Curriculum Vitae

Academic Appointments

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Values and Public Policy, 2020-present

Princeton University Center for Human Values and the Education Research Section in the School of Public and International Affairs


Invited Visiting Researcher, 2019 (Fall term)

Harvard University Department of Philosophy, hosted by Gina Schouten

Instructor, 2018-2019

UC San Diego Department of Philosophy

Instructor, 2014-2017

Warren College Analytic Writing Program at UC San Diego 


Ph.D. Philosophy, University of California San Diego, 2020

Dissertation: Relational Equality: A Conceptual and Normative Analysis

Committee: Drs. Richard Arneson (co-chair), David Brink (co-chair), Lucy Allais, Cathy Gere, Dana Nelkin


M.A. Philosophy, Georgia State University, 2013

Thesis: Adam Smith: A Relational Egalitarian Interpretation (Defended with Distinction)

Committee: Drs. Christie Hartley (chair), Andrew Altman, Eric Wilson 


B.A. Philosophy and Religion, University of North Dakota, 2008 Summa cum Laude


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles 

(* indicates co-authored articles for which I am the primary author)



'Revisiting the Role of Values in Evidence-based Education' 

The Journal of Philosophy of Education 

'Prioritizing Disadvantaged Students in Principle and in Practice'

Philosophical Inquiry in Education

'Fair Accountability for Educators in the Context of Evidence-based Education'

Public Affairs Quarterly

'Evaluating Evidence for Purposes of Effective Altruism' (invited)

The Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy


*‘Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice: Predicting What Will Work Locally’ 

American Educational Research Journal 57:3 (with Nancy Cartwright)



‘The Key Role of Representativeness in Evidence-based Education’ 

Educational Research and Evaluation 25: 1-2



*‘Meeting Our Standards for Educational Justice: Doing our Best with the Evidence’ 

Theory and Research in Education 16:1 (with Nancy Cartwright)  

‘Teaching Philosophy through Role-Immersion Games: Reacting to the Past’

Teaching Philosophy 41:2 (with Noel Martin and Andy Lamey)

Invited Articles and Book Chapters


'Evaluating Evidence for Purposes of Effective Altrusim'

Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy


*‘How Should Evidence Inform Education Policy?’ 

Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Education (with Nancy Cartwright)


‘Distributive Egalitarianism’

Sage Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies


Book Reviews


Doing Ethics by Lewis Vaughn 

Teaching Philosophy 42 (4). 


Selected Presentations & Conference Activity 

Invited Presentations


‘On the Disvalue of Social Inequalities and Unequal Relationships Among Agents’

Central APA Invited Symposium: Explaining the Badness of Inequality


‘Assessing Evidence of Effectiveness for Purposes of Effective Altruism’ 

Georgetown Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics Symposium   


‘Educational Justice and the Evidence-based Approach to Education’ 

Claremont McKenna Philosophy Speaker Series                      


‘Toward a Substantive Account of Relational Equality’

Social Equality Workshop, Princeton Department of Politics

‘Exploring Strategies for Using Evidence-Based Practice to Narrow Achievement Gaps’

Education Research Section, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs


‘The Site of Relational Egalitarian Justice’

Princeton University Center for Human Values Postdoctoral Seminar Series

‘Evidence-Based Education and the Fairness of Accountability Practices’ 

Education Research Section, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

‘Relating as Equals’  

Human Values Forum, Princeton University 

‘What Kind(s) of Equality Matter for Justice?’

Mississippi State University

California State University, Sacramento  

‘Relational Equality and Educational Justice’ 

American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting

‘Teaching Students to Write Philosophy Papers’ 

Georgia State University


 ‘Educational Justice and the Evidence-based Approach to Education’ 

American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting

‘Prioritizing Disadvantaged Students in Principle and in Practice’ 

Moral & Political Philosophy Series, UC San Diego Department of Philosophy


‘Bridging the Research-Practice Gap in Education’ 

University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg 


‘Meeting our Standards for Educational Justice: Doing our Best with the Evidence’ 

Center for Humanities Engaging Science and Society, Durham University 


‘Teaching Philosophical Writing: Using Peer Review Effectively’ 

Teaching Workshop Series, UC San Diego Department of Philosophy



 ‘Improving Student Writing through One-on-One Conferences’ 

Teaching Workshop Series UC San Diego Department of Philosophy 

Refereed Conference Presentations 


'Characterizing Relationships Among Equals' 

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Annual Conference (Panel: Relating as Equals)

'Using Evidence-based Education to Narrow Achievement Gaps'

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Annual Conference  (Panel: Inequality, Justice, and Education)


‘Evidence-based Practice and Equal Educational Opportunity’

American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 


‘Evidence-based Practice in Education: Predicting What Will Work Locally’ 

North American Association for Philosophy & Education Conference 

‘Prioritizing Disadvantaged Students in Principle and in Practice’

International Conference on Educational Justice, Katholische Universität 

Invited Panels & Commentaries 


Comments on “On the Necessity of Guaranteed Housing” by Paul Schofield 

American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting


Panel on Creating Digital Learning Environments, UC San Diego Engaged Teaching Hub

Conferences & Workshops Organized


Workshop on Evidence and the Scientific Method: Rigor vs. Use

Institute for Practical Philosophy, UC San Diego 


Graduate Conference on Work of Sally Haslanger (with keynote by Haslanger)

UC San Diego Department of Philosophy


UC Intercampus Conference on Inclusive Pedagogy 

Teaching Experience

Princeton University Center for Human Values


 Instructor, Values & Public Life Senior Thesis Workshop 

 Associate Instructor, A Democratic Philosophy (upper division, with Philip Pettit)


UC San Diego Department of Philosophy

2018-19 Instructor

Ethics & Society II (lower division)

Contemporary Moral Issues: Freedom of Expression (upper division)


UC San Diego Warren College Critical Writing Program 

2014-17 Instructor

Food: Ethical and Political Issues (x4; lower division) 

Technology and The Self (x2; lower division)

Ethics of Big Data (lower division)

Happiness (lower division)


Georgia State University Department of Philosophy

2011-13 Instructor                                                                

Introduction to Philosophy (x2; lower division)

Contemporary Moral Problems (x3; upper division)


Professional Service


Prison Teaching Initative at Princeton, Volunteer Instructor 



Advisory Board Member



Assistant Director



Member of Organizing and Admissions Committees

Fellowships, Awards, & Grants


1st Place Winner, Graduate Student Essay Contest

Center for Ethics & Education at UW Madison (funded by Spencer Foundation)


Award for Best Teaching Assistant, Department of Philosophy, UC San Diego  


McPherson Fellowship, Center for Ethics & Education at UW Madison

Summer Graduate Teaching Scholar Fellowship, UC San Diego


Dean’s Travel Award, UC San Diego


Award for Best Graduate Student Essay, UC San Diego


Research Grant for 'Meeting Our Standards for Educational Justice' (PI: Nancy Cartwright)

Center for Ethics & Education at UW Madison 


Judith and Neil Morgan Endowed Fellowship, UC San Diego

UC Humanities Council Grant for intercampus working group on inclusive pedagogy 


Ralf Munster Fellowship for Best Conintuing Student in Philosophy MA Program

Georgia State University 

Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching Award, Georgia State University